The fight for equality for the LGBTQ+ community goes back as far as the late 1950s. Gay liberation activists were often arrested or even killed for peacefully protesting or just being the person they really were, tired of hiding their truth from society. The Stonewall Riots (which occured in 1969) set as the catalyst for the Gay Liberation movement, giving the community a chance to express themselves freely. On June 1, 1970, the first Pride march was held in the streets of Greenwich Village, New York, for people to celebrate their community and remember those who had stood up to the system to fight for the rights of LGBTQ+ people everywhere.

This timeline highlights important moments of LGBTQ+ history and commemorating those who paved the path for future LGBTQ+ to have a better life where they no longer have to be shamed for who they are.

The pioneers of the LGBTQ+ movement were often trans men and women of color. Each pride month, we celebrate people such as Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera for their bravery to be themselves while also standing up for the rights of other members of the LGBTQ+ community.